Liquid or solid vegan soft perfumes

sabe-masson-small.jpgIsabelle Sabé Masson wanted to create an eco-friendly skin care perfume, with only oil, water and natural fragrances. The soft perfumes are available in bottles, but also into a solid form in sticks or soaps.


At first, a perfumer creates the scent, according to precise guidelines. Then the fragrance description is sent to the graphic designer, selected with regard to the aimed image of the scent. It is by visiting the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution of the Musée d'Histoire naturelle de Paris that she found her inspiration.

The soft perfumes are made by a French laboratory who invented the WPE® process (*) to merge oil, water and 100% natural fragrance in the form of micro-drops(**), non perceivable when spraying. Liqid soft perfumes are sold in black lacquered bottle, inspired by Chinese inkpots and the ump was selected for its spray which looks like the mist. Each black top is sculpted as the effigie of La Maison, showing two animals protected by the nature: the hedgehog and the frog. The packaging are recyclable.

Each engraving-embossing case emphasises the vegetation and the bestiary of the brand, as well as for the top of each fragrance, the whole enhanced with gold.

(*) The WPE® process is a patented innovation
(**) UltraDrops®

Thursday 31 March 2022, 06:07