Sustainable luxury inspire the Talents du Luxe


The Talents du Luxe prize compare the luxury arts & crafts in nine categories, based on the creation process: audacity, well-being, elegance, harmony, innovation, invention, originality, scarcity and seduction. The contest participation is free, candidatures have to be submitted before March 15th, 2022 and the award ceremony will take place on June 7th, 2022 at the Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans in France.


To combine arts & crafts with marketing and management skills in the same prize was a daring gamble in 2002 when the contest was born. Today mixing competencies is routine: designers, founders and CEO of the luxury world -fashion and accessories, watch and jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, wines and spirits, gastronomy and hospitality, design and architecture, as well as fine crafts- are invited to submit an application before March 15th, 2022.


The emergence of talents inspired by sustainable luxury is a groundswell which clearly reflects in the last edition: Lilla Tabasso who creates flowers made of blown Murano glass and Jean-Luc Colombo who cultivates his vineyard without pesticides or herbicides with the help of a horse have been respectively awarded with the Harmony and Management prizes. Cédric Grolet, pastry chef of the Meurice hotel who elaborates trompe l'oeil fruits has received the Gold Talent.

Among the nominees, Lucile Battail is the foundress of a fresh cosmetic brand free of preservatives, Emmanuel Sauvage is the cofounder and GM of a hotel group which has settled a garden on the rooftop of the Hotel Brach and Alexis Tricoire is famous for his unique creations of green street furniture.

Built in 1775, the Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans has been listed in the UNESCO world heritage for fourty years. Museum and place of event, it partners with vocational schools of the region and collaborates with landscape schools in France and abroad; every summer, it organizes a garden festival only open to landscape students.

Photos © Saline Royale d'Arc et Senans, © Lilla Tabasso, © Cédric Grollet

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Thursday 17 February 2022, 06:01