Ruinart invents a 100% recyclable bottle case made from paper


After more than two years of research and development, Maison Ruinart invents a second skin packaging from paper, made of wood from sustainably managed European forests. It allows to reduce the carbon footprint(*) of the packaging by 60%.


The case has first been modelled on a computer: its appearance is inspired by the gesture of the sommelier who wraps the white towel around the bottle before placing it in the bucket. Several strong principles have guided the development of the packaging: it had to protect the wine from the light and be completely opaque, plastic and glue free, résilient to shocks caused by transportation. As a direct hommage to the Crayères, the minimalist paper case features a silky yet textured surface that evokes the historic wine cellars of the Maison in Reims. 


It is the cellulose fibers, or pulped paper—that have been chosenfor its sustainability as it is 100% recyclable and produced from FSC certified wood. 91% of which is clean enough to be released back into the river after manufacture. Half of the remaining 9% evaporates during the drying process of the pulped paper, and the other half corresponds to the natural humidity present in the case. The case is 9 times lighter than the previous generation of gift boxes; adapted to refrigerated conservation, the case maintains its integrity for several hours when stored in a bucket of ice. 


Available in exclusivity from June 8th to July 7th, 2020 and in a preview showing from September 15th, to October 15th, 2020 at the Grande Epicerie de Paris.
(*)  according to the BEE (Bilan Environnemental des Emballages) and ADEME (Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie) methodology
Photos © Ruinart

Maison Ruinart >>
Ruinart's champagne vineyards are converted to agroforestry >>

Friday 26 June 2020, 07:05