From plant to product by Stella McCartney


Stella McCartney has been pioneer in sustainable fashion. She uses fabrics made from plants and today highlights her suppliers she has partnered with for a long time: focus on three bags of the Spring/Summer 2020 collection.

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90-bespoke pieces sold by Canada Goose for the benefit of Inuit communities


Canada Goose launches a capsule collection of 90 hand-crafted parkas, drawn and manufactured by Inuit fashion designers and craftsmen. Garments are dedicated to be worn in extreme latitude. Proceeds from the sales are donated to support Inuit communities all over Canada.

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Sustainability enters the debate at the Luxury and creation Summit


Red thread of the 18th Luxury and Creation Summit, the "creative upheaval" allowed to inventory the far-reaching modifications that force luxury to reinvent itself. Several round tables have shifted the lines and luxury has demonstrated its capacity for resilience and innovation, by opening itself up to sustainability.

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Bunches of edible flowers to offer or to cook


Fleurivore creates eatable bunches of flowers, sold with a recipe and a botanical drawing, detailing the edible part of the plant: the flowers are sourced locally and without chemicals.

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The future of luxury 2025, by Li Edelkoort


Li Edelkoort, foundress of the trend forecasting studio Trend Union publishes "The future of luxury - 2025". Pioneer observer of sustainable luxury since the 80s, she decodes the colours, materials and shapes of tomorrow.

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Artisanal French bread and vegan cookies made in Paris, for gourmets


Rodolphe et Yoshimi Landemaine revisit French traditional bakery, by offering breads, baguettes and cakes, eggs, butter, milk and cream free for vegan gourmets. All components are seasonal and purchased locally.

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Organic bespoke skincare for women of colour


Epara manufactures serum, lotions, masks and oils comprising at least 95% organic components. The skincare range is exclusively created for black or dark skins.

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