Wilderness Safaris opens six hyper luxury eco-lodges in Rwanda, built in the middle of nature

BisateLodge-small.jpgDian Fossey has highlighted the emergency to protect the great apes in the Virunga mountains. The preservation of this threatened specie, which cannot live in captivity, has been the starting point of the project Bisate Lodge.

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Abdoulaye Fadiga has opened a responsible private sport club, located avenue Foch in Paris


Abdoulaye Fadiga(*) wanted to share the Champion Spirit(**) that he has learnt through practising Muay thaï: he established a responsible private sport club, located 50 avenue Foch in Paris.

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Universal healthy plant, biologically grown in Kenya


For 5000 years, the plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for its outstanding nutritional properties and cosmetic benefits. Born in Cameroun and Kenyan by adoption, Jeanne Ngo Yockbag discovered the Moringa during a journey in India and decided to grow it, in respect of the environment.

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Urban fashion made from African traditional cotton fabric


Babatunde is a Yoruba Nigerian name which means "the father returns": African and traditional values are the core of the brand, based in Johannesburgh.

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